
Number of CategoriesCategories
Number of GainersGainers176
Number of LosersLosers241
  • Public
  • Private

  • Public
  • Private

  • Current
  • Initial
  • FDMC
  • Initial FDMC


Metaverse Portfolio

Metaverse Crypto Projects

All necessary data about projects in Metaverse category

This page contains category's data and key indicators that reflect the level of activity of the Metaverse, such as:

  • Average ROI
  • Average Raise
  • Average Market Cap
  • Total Raise
  • Top Projects by ROI
  • Recent Fundraises
  • Top Gainers
  • Announcements
  • Category Unlocks
  • List of all projects in this category

Top projects by ROI in Metaverse category

In the world of cryptocurrency in the context of cryptocurrency, ROI (Return to Investment) refers to the gain or loss an investor makes on an investment in a cryptocurrency project that they invested in. It's a measurement of the performance of an investment in relation to the original investment amount.For an example of ROI for the following projects:

  • Decentraland - 18.1x
  • The Virtua Kolect - 15.4x
  • Wilder World - 14.8x
  • Bloktopia - 5.82x
  • Highstreet - 4.47x

The return on investment of a cryptocurrency project is calculated by calculating what is left between amount of investment as well as the original investment and then dividing this by the amount of initial investment.

For example, if an investment price is $0.04 and the investment is now worth $0.08, the ROI would be 2.0x

Recent Fundraises in Metaverse category

  • MetaEstate - 1.0x
  • WeMeta - 1.0x
  • Open Meta - 1.0x

Here we highlight projects that have recently raised funds in this category. By fundraising, we mean raising capital for a project by selling tokens or coins associated with the project on a blockchain platform. This process is often referred to as an initial coin offering (ICO) or initial dex offering (IDO).

In an ICO or IDO, investors purchase tokens or coins using a cryptocurrency, such as Alien Worlds or Altava, in exchange for a stake in the project or access to services provided by the project.

The funds raised in an ICO or IDO are used to fund the development of the project, including technology development, marketing, and operations.

Top Gainers in Metaverse

  • Solice - 27.1%
  • Ozone Metaverse - 9.58%
  • Senate - 9.58%
  • Reboot World - 5.88%
  • Gemie - 5.38%
  • In the case of cryptocurrency project, "gainers" usually refers to coins or tokens which have seen significant growth of value during a specific duration of. When someone says that a certain cryptocurrency asset is considered to be a "gainer," they are typically speaking of the fact that its value has increased significantly and sometimes, even double or more than tripling in value in the span of a few months.